Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thick and Thin Questions.

We have been focusing on asking questions as readers.  It is important to think about every text and asking questions, along with many other things, helps a reader think about and understand the story or book (fiction and nonfiction).

Students understand that there are many places we can find answers:

T - RIGHT THERE in the text
OS - outside source: another book, movie or computer
E - an expert
I - in your head, inferring (using clues and your schema)

Thick questions are the ones we want to focus on.  They make us think.  We usually have to put ideas together to come up with the answer or go somewhere else to find it.  It's not RIGHT THERE (thin questions).  Help your child focus on thick questions. Of course, good readers need to be able to work with and respond to both types of questions.

Check out the video we watched today.  Story Lords is a program that focuses on reading strategies.  Students enjoy seeing other kids apply the strategy.  It helps confirm the importance of them!

See other video links to the right ---->