Thursday, October 2, 2014

RAZ Kids.

Earlier this week, students were able to experience RAZ Kids.  This is an online reading resource for students to access a variety of texts at their individual level.  The kids can choose books to listen to, follow along or record themselves reading.  There are comprehension questions that will follow.  Although it is optional, if you have the resource, I encourage you to check it out with your child.  There is a place where I (you as well) can send the student messages. I am able to check up on their progress and this is just one more way I can identify their needs.

Students earn stars for reading and comprehension tests. There is a robot builder area on the site that is just for fun.  It is even more motivation for the students to keep reading and do well.

You can access RAZ Kids here. 
You will also notice that I have added an area on my blog for sites that we use so they are more accessible. (Top Right.  It's called Wonderful Websites.)