Friday, January 23, 2015

Kindness Week!!!

Next week we will be recognizing Kindness.  As an effort to make kids more aware and develop motivation to be kind everywhere, we are having lots of fun things going on!

Dress-up Days:

Monday 1/26 - Kick Kindness into Gear ... wear fun, colorful, mismatched shoes
Tuesday 1/27 - Caps for Kindness ... pay $1 to wear a hat (donation to Best Friends Program)
Wednesday 1/28 - Sports Day... Show good sportsmanship, wear athletic, sports team apparel
Thursday 1/29 - Dream of Kindness ... wear Pajamas (no stuffed animals)
Friday 1/30 - Spring Road Kids are Kind Kids .... wear red and white or SR apparel

We will have a food drive all week which will be donated to a shelter.  Bring in cans/ non-perishable food items all week!

Students will have a chance to complete kindness challenges (tasks) which are every day things that are kind to their selves, others, property and the community.  Once 15 challenges are completed, it can be turned in for a chance to win a prize.

We will also meet with our Character Education groups (5th grade buddies) to discuss and represent kindness around us.