Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving Week.

Remember there is early release on Wednesday, November 26.

We will not have a spelling list this week.

Students will focus on continuing to retell Folktales.  They will be practicing this skill verbally well as cutting and pasting the parts of a story in order. This skill enhances comprehension!

Students will finish up the current math unit on Addition Within 100 this week and continue to practice finding the total of groups of coins.  We will also get together with our 5th grade buddies to share, teach and play math games that extend our learning.

Students will continue to focus on the science topics of weather and forces and motion.  We have been connecting our learning from an experiment with forces and motion to informational writing.  Students chose a topic that involves motion and are working on including vocabulary and connecting the science they've learned. Students will also continue to see how the water cycle works and how the various types of clouds play an important role in understanding weather.

Check out the turkeys we made last week! I love displaying their work in our classroom.  They enjoy seeing the creativity of each other's work.