Sunday, September 7, 2014

Expanding Vocabulary.

One of my goals is for students to notice, understand and use a wide variety of vocabulary in their reading, writing and speaking. We have already learned so many words this past week.  They come from our reading and natural educational experiences throughout the day.  We will continue to do so and post them on a wall to encourage students to use them.  When reading with your child, stop to discuss new and interesting words. We want to avoid students from continuing to read on and being afraid to ask or taking the time to figure out new words. We are always hearing and learning new words- even as adults! Students are becoming excited about this!

Words from last week:

Clowder: A group of cats
Stamina: Becoming independent and doing something for a longer period of time
Jitters: A combination of excitement and nervousness
Lent (or lend): To borrow

Encourage your child to do this at home!