Monday, September 29, 2014

Reading Strategies.

Students learned about different strategies they would be learning throughout the year.  We discussed an important bulletin board location in our classroom - The FACE of a Reader. Together we will learn, practice and apply strategies that a good reader does. They will be posted here as a reminder and a resource if students need. Ask your child about this bulletin board.

Using the Reading Salad.

Students learned about how important it is to be a good thinker especially while reading.  Not only do readers need to read the text but they also need to stop and think about the story for comprehension. One way we have thought about this process is using a salad as an example.  Students understand that ingredients mixed with the lettuce make a salad nice and tasty.  Students were asked to think about the reading and thinking as the tomatoes and the lettuce.  The act of putting the different ingredients into the bowl represents a reader doing both thinking and reading. Students really enjoy using this analogy to practice and apply this concept.  We are no longer FAKE readers but REAL readers.

Field Day!

Students enjoyed Field Day on Friday.  Students worked cooperatively and were engaged in a variety of activities that focused on wellness, academic and social skills.  Enjoy some photos! Ask your child about the different stations they visited! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Reading Buddies.

Students have been practicing good reading habits.  They are building stamina and doing a wonderful job.  It is important that students are reading good fit books and reading nightly to increase stamina, fluency, accuracy and comprehension skills.  At second grade, 20 minutes are required.  Thank you for your support and helping your child develop responsibility and signing their book log every night.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Using Details With Our 5 Senses.

In Writer's Workshop, students are learning craft moves to make their writing better. Specifically, we are working on stretching our small moment across the pages using details.  Students practiced using their 5 senses while exploring objects from nature. Good writers use many details to help the reader make a picture or movie in their head.  Hopefully students will begin to transfer this experience to their writing.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tiny Topic Notebooks.

We will be working on personal narratives in Writer's Workshop.  These are real stories about something that has happened, something that gives a big feeling, something that is meaningful.  Students learned that good writers jot down ideas that they can later write stories about.  Students received their very own "Tiny Topic Notebook" today.  Please encourage your child to add small moments from their life. It can be just a few words with a few details.  Please make sure it comes back to school.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Meet Mrs. P and Mr. S.

Mrs. Peterson spends part of the day in our classroom working with students.  Mr. Sievert is her student teacher and will be with us for 9 weeks.

Keys To Good Character.

Spring Road School places a lot of emphasis on building good character.  Every Wednesday, we recite the Spring Road Pledge as a school.

Throughout the year, we focus on many different traits that make up a good student.  Each month, we will focus on a specific one in our classroom that will be displayed on a board.  (This month is RESPECT.) Students will be highlighted for having good character! It is something to celebrate. Most importantly, students will realize that doing good is good to do and not always for a prize or a reward.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Expanding Vocabulary.

One of my goals is for students to notice, understand and use a wide variety of vocabulary in their reading, writing and speaking. We have already learned so many words this past week.  They come from our reading and natural educational experiences throughout the day.  We will continue to do so and post them on a wall to encourage students to use them.  When reading with your child, stop to discuss new and interesting words. We want to avoid students from continuing to read on and being afraid to ask or taking the time to figure out new words. We are always hearing and learning new words- even as adults! Students are becoming excited about this!

Words from last week:

Clowder: A group of cats
Stamina: Becoming independent and doing something for a longer period of time
Jitters: A combination of excitement and nervousness
Lent (or lend): To borrow

Encourage your child to do this at home!

Building Stamina.

Students may have come home and talked with you about stamina.  Students are working on becoming independent in many tasks for longer periods of time (reading, writing, etc.).  Students are working hard and doing a wonderful job.

Classroom Constitution.

I believe it is important to create a safe and welcoming classroom.  Students helped decide and establish good classroom expectations. We are slowly building a strong classroom community where all students are valued, encouraged and included. My goal is for all students to feel comfortable and confident in their learning environment.  Please review our classroom rules with your child.  We talked about the importance of working together as a team and consequences when rules are not followed.


Picture Day is now on September 30.

For other important dates, see the school website, newsletter or the "Important Dates" section on this blog.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Week.

It has been a GREAT week so far.  There is such a good group of students in our class.  We are learning about each other and becoming accustomed to routines.  We have developed classroom expectations (Our Classroom Constitution) together and are doing a great job being respectful second graders.  I am very impressed and very proud!  I am enjoying getting to know them.

You may have noticed a folder and planner coming home every night.  Please do not hesitate to communicate with me via your child's planner.  I check it every morning.  Please continue to help your child remember to bring it back to school every day!  They are being very responsible already!

Thanks for all of your support!