Tuesday, April 28, 2015

This week.

We will learn about the last two animal groups: Fish and Amphibians. Students are getting more familiar with research and note taking. Students are enjoying learning new fun facts and sharing with others.  Our Science Notebooks are filling up!! 

Fish have: 

  • backbones
  • fins
  • gills to breathe
  • live in water
  • Lay eggs


Students are excited to get a calendar of fun things we'll do as a countdown for the end of the year.  It is coming home today.  Yesterday was Arts and Crafts and today is Best Dress. It was also perfect for the Opera Performance.  It was wonderful!

We took a class photo!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Students are learning about Birds this week and what makes them part of this animal group. Students have opportunities to activate their schema, ask questions and record new learning about this topic. Students are focused on being more active scientists!

What makes a bird a bird?

  • has feathers
  • warm blooded
  • has a backbone 
  • lays eggs 
  • breathes air with lungs

We learned about a live camera on a Bald Eagle's nest in Pennsylvania.  Students were excited to watch their every move.  We witnessed a mother feeding its babies a dead fish.  Students were amazed to see it live and observe how big and high up the eagles build their nest.  We plan to look at it periodically. 

See for yourself ---------> BALD EAGLES LIVE

Reading Strategies- Getting into the Book.

Students will be reviewing many reading strategies from now until the end of the year. Students will be learning how to use them together and how they deepen your understanding about a text.

Today in the computer lab, students practiced questioning to gain deeper understandings about different topics and stories. They practiced questioning along the way and determining if questions were answered as they read on.

Practice reading strategies here!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


We are starting to explore some strategies for multiplication.  Students are creating strategy books to use as a resource when solving.  We only tap into multiplication a little bit at second grade but it will be great stepping stones for third grade.  

We will continue to dig deeper with problem solving involving addition, subtraction, comparison and two-step.  Students are learning to better determine what needs to be done to solve and explaining their processes.  

Please remember to work on math facts with your student each night.  Students need to be proficient in addition and subtraction facts to help with accuracy and success in math.  I am more than willing to send home flashcards.  Please let me know how I can help! 

This week.

We are continuing to explore the animal groups.  This week it's Reptiles! Students have learned that they have these characteristics and are enjoying learning more about them in independent reading.

  • scaly skin
  • lays eggs
  • vertebrate (have a backbone)
  • breathes air 
  • cold blooded 

Students are learning how to take notes and research.  In Writer's Workshop we are working on taking our notes and turning them into a thoughtful piece of writing.  We are working on informational writing and teaching others about the various animal groups.  We are doing some together and then the responsibility is being released.  Students are being encouraged to add "extras" to their writing which makes it more interesting to look at and read.  Students are also expected to add text features in their writing such as bold words, labels and captions. 


Tuesday, April 7, 2015


This week students will explore Mammals.  We are learning how to do research and take notes as well as record our new learning and wondering more automatically.  Mammals have these characteristics or traits:  (See if your student can list them all!)

  • hair or fur
  • backbone (vertebrate)
  • makes milk - mammary glands
  • warm blooded
  • Gives birth to live babies 
  • one piece lower jaw

As we explore in the computer lab today, we will have a chance to research about mammals, many that are new for us! Here is the site they will use: