Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Science Fun!

Our mealworms have completed their life cycle.  They have turned into beetles. Students were amazed to see the changes take place.  They kept a record in their science journals and made notes of the population changes. Students made great observations.  They are wonderful scientists. Check them out now!! Keep exploring all summer long!

Life Cycle--- Complete Metamorphosis
Egg  --- > Mealworm (larva) ---> Pupa ----> Beetle (adult)

Y is for Yoga.

Students enjoyed some yoga this morning.  We learned how it wakes up our brains and our bodies. Students tried different stretches and exercise positions for yoga.  We will wrap up the day with yoga as well.  It is very good for you! Students are encouraged to try yoga in the summer!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Animals and Research.

Students are working so hard on their last writing project.  They are learning to research and write all about a selected animal. Students are learning how to organize, use headings, topic sentences, and apply nonfiction text features that they've learned throughout the year.

Keep an eye out for the date for our Writer's Celebration NEXT WEEK.

Today in the computer lab, students got to explore the San Diego Zoo website where they could search for and learn about different animals at the zoo.  Students also shared new learning they had.

Nightly Reading.

A final book log is coming home.  You will find it stapled in your child's planner.  Similar to signing it in their book bag, it will need to be signed.  Please encourage nightly reading as it helps your child maintain his or her level and grow on his own. Just because Summer is approaching, doesn't mean the  good reading habits and routines need to stop.

Remember 15 minutes a day is all it takes.  Good reading followed by good discussion or writing is very helpful.

Thanks for your continued support!

Friday, May 15, 2015

QR Code Fun!

Students learned how to use QR codes today.  As you may be familiar, QR codes have to be read with an app and are used for lots of things around us from magazines to flyers to coupons!

Students used their multiplication strategies to solve problems given after scanning a QR code.  It was similar to a scavenger hunt and had to solve one to get the next code. I was very proud of the students ability to use strategies and problem solve!

Summer Library Program.

The students learned about what to expect at the library this summer.  Remember it's important to encourage reading all summer long to prevent a slide. Our library will be open for check-out as well as the public library.  Students can take part in the reading program to earn up to 7 coupons for reading and tasks done each week.  All you have to do is go to the library after school is out to collect the booklet for recording reading.

A handout came home today with the programs and special events happening at the library.  Students can look forward to live animals, comedians, magicians, and more.  I hope to see the students at the library this summer!

Click HERE to read more about the fun happening at the library!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Robert Munch.

We are learning about Author's Craft.  We are looking at something an author does to make the writing look or sound different.  Here is a chart we made with examples we have found in books we are reading.

Students are reading many books by a famous children's author: Robert Munsch.

Students in the computer lab explored his website today.
Robert Munsch Website